Tongue Tie in Edmonton- Support is Here!

The Benefits of Manual Osteopathic Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy Before a Tongue Tie Revision

Setting Your Baby Up for Success

Prepare for a tongue tie revision with craniosacral therapy and Manual Osteopathic Therapy in Edmonton. Support breastfeeding, bottle feeding, latch, and the suck-swallow-breathe pattern. If your child has a tongue tie and you’re in Edmonton, you’ve come to the right place.

Understanding Tongue Tie Revisions

tongue tie (or ankyloglossia) occurs when the lingual frenulum, the tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth, restricts movement. This can cause challenges with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and overall oral function.

Revisions, commonly referred to as tongue tie clips, are performed using scissors or lasers by professionals such as paediatric dentists, doctors, midwives, or nurse practitioners. While a revision physically releases the restriction, it’s important to address body-wide tension and prepare the baby’s muscles and nerves for optimal function before the procedure.

Why Prepare for a Tongue Tie Revision with Osteopathy and Craniosacral Therapy?

Tongue function involves more than just the tongue itself—it’s a coordinated effort between the cranial nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. A baby with a tongue tie may develop compensatory tension patterns in the body, especially in the head, neck, and shoulders.

Manual Osteopathic Therapy and craniosacral therapy in Edmonton provide gentle, effective ways to release this tension, ensuring the baby’s nervous system and muscles are primed for a successful revision.

Key Benefits of Pre-Revision Therapy

  1. Optimize the Suck-Swallow-Breathe Pattern
    Feeding requires a complex coordination of sucking, swallowing, and breathing. A tongue tie can interfere with this pattern, leading to issues like:
    • Poor latch during breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
    • Painful breastfeeding for the mother.
    • Gassiness or reflux due to inefficient feeding.
    Pre-revision therapy helps align the cranial nerves and muscles responsible for these functions, ensuring they work harmoniously after the revision.
  2. Release Tension in the Body
    Babies with tongue ties often compensate with tension in the neck, jaw, and shoulders. Osteopathy and craniosacral therapy gently release these patterns, allowing for better mobility and comfort.
  3. Support Cranial Nerve Function
    Tongue movement is controlled by several cranial nerves, including:
    • Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII): Controls tongue movement.
    • Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX): Coordinates swallowing.
    • Vagus Nerve (CN X): Plays a role in breathing and digestion.
    Therapy helps these nerves function optimally, improving feeding mechanics.
  4. Prepare for Recovery
    Addressing underlying tension and dysfunction before a revision makes it easier for the baby to adapt to their newfound range of motion, reducing recovery time and improving outcomes.
Intraoral treatment on an infant performed by Carrie Jane, Manual Osteopathic Therapist
Intraoral treatment on an infant performed by Carrie Jane, Manual Osteopathic Therapist

What Happens After the Revision?

Having a tongue tie in Edmonton means you can get it revised. Once the revision is complete, follow-up care is essential to help your baby adjust to the new freedom of movement. Continuing osteopathic and craniosacral therapy post-revision can:

Why Choose Carrie at Baby Osteo in Edmonton?

Carrie specializes in craniosacral therapy and Manual Osteopathic Therapy for infants, with a focus on supporting oral function and nervous system health. By addressing the underlying causes of feeding challenges, Carrie helps set babies up for success before and after a tongue tie in Edmonton. Read more about Carrie.

Book Your Pre-Revision Therapy Today

Give your baby the best start with gentle, effective care before their tongue tie revision. Click here to book an appointment for craniosacral therapy or Manual Osteopathic Therapy in Edmonton.